Dragon Slayer 4(Legacy of the Wizard) Official soundtracks

ドラゴンスレイヤー4 ドラスレファミリー 公式サウンドトラック

As of 2021, The BGM of Dragon Slayer 4 / Legacy of the Wizard for MSX is available for downloads on iTunes, Amazon Music, etc., and you can listen to it with ease.
2021年現在、MSX版ドラゴンスレイヤー4のBGMがiTunes, Amazon Music等でダウンロード販売されており、手軽に聴くことができる。

TOC / 目次

Official soundtracks (Physical) / 公式サウンドトラック(物理版)

Official soundtracks (Digital) / 公式サウンドトラック(DL版)

[JP]ドラゴンスレイヤーIV ドラスレファミリー〈MSX/MSX2〉オリジナルサウンドトラック FROM FALCOM SPECIAL BOX '91

Not an affiliate link / アフィリエイトリンクではありません

The difference between the English version and the Japanese version is only the album name and the music name.

[EN]DragonSlayer IV DRASLEFAMILY(Legacy of the Wizard) <MSX/MSX2> Original Soundtrack from FALCOM SPECIAL BOX '91

Not an affiliate link / アフィリエイトリンクではありません

The difference between the English version and the Japanese version is only the album name and the music name.

Officially licensed CD / 公式ライセンスCD

PiA-COM II Piano x Computer Game / ピアコンII Piano x Computer Game

Not an affiliate link / アフィリエイトリンクではありません

This album is an officially licensed CD with a solo piano performance of NES musics.
The performances of all the musics are very good, and I recommend it to anyone who likes Legacy of the Wizard and the rest of the games as well.

The finale of the album, "ドラゴンスレイヤーIV" (Dragon Slayer IV / Legacy of the Wizard) is a medley of 4 minutes and 52 seconds, and is composed as follows.
One of the most valuable features of this album is that it is the only one as of 2023 to contain an official arrangement of 'Theme of Royas'.