Dragon Slayer 4(Legacy of the Wizard) Composers / 作曲者

First, all the BGM for Dragon Slayer 4 / Legacy of the Wizard was composed by Yuzo Koshiro (Koshiron in the staff rolls) for the FC/NES version.
ドラゴンスレイヤー4の音楽は最初に古代 祐三氏(スタッフロールではKoshiron)によってFC/NES版の全ての曲が作曲された。

Next, Yuzo Koshiro ported the FC/NES version's BGM to the MSX1 version, Mieko Ishikawa porterd FC/NES to MSX2.
For the MSX1/MSX2 version, new BGM was composed by Yuzo Koshiro and Mieko Ishikawa. However, Yuzo Koshiro does not remember which is which.
MSX1/MSX2版では古代氏と石川 三恵子氏(スタッフロールではYuzo KoshiroとMieko Ishikawa)によって新たな曲が作曲されているが、古代氏によるとどの曲がどちらの手によるものかは覚えていないとのこと。

The MOBILE PHONE version was remade 21 years after the FC version. All music is based on the FC/NES version.
In the staff roll of the cell phone version, there is no individual name, but "All music compiled by Falcom Sound Team jdk audio studio HIBIKI Inc.".
携帯電話版のスタッフロールでは個人名はなく「All music comporsed by Falcom Sound Team jdk audio studio HIBIKI Inc.」と表記されている。

All Together Now /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Xemn Worzen /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Maia Worzen /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Lyll Worzen /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Pochi /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro or
Mieko Ishikawa
Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Dilgyos /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Theme of Inn & Home /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Theme of Shop /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Theme of Death /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Opening Theme /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro or
Mieko Ishikawa
Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Ending Theme /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Taratunes /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Ground Theme /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Select Scene /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro or
Mieko Ishikawa
Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Treasure Chest /
Yuzo Koshiro Yuzo Koshiro Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
Theme of Royas /
Yuzo Koshiro NONE Falcom Sound Team jdk
audio studio HIBIKI Inc.
OP(breaking the wall) /
NONE Yuzo Koshiro or
Mieko Ishikawa
Erebone /
NONE Yuzo Koshiro NONE
Archwinger /
NONE Mieko Ishikawa NONE
Rockgaea /
NONE Yuzo Koshiro NONE
Teatime /
NONE Yuzo Koshiro or
Mieko Ishikawa